Monday, September 28, 2009

The joys of teaching high school in the technology age!

Ok.. so here is a joy (or not so much!) that happened to me today. It is school policy that if any electronic devices (cell phones, mp3 players etc..)are on or even seen in class I have to confiscate them and turn them into the administration.
I have gone the whole year and not had anyone violate this, except today. One of my students had one out during a test today, (I heard and saw it) so I took it away. This student was so mad at me that they stormed out of class! Now not only does this student have a school rule violation, but they also have a truancy as well!
yeah..the joys of teaching hs in the technology age!
I really am a nice teacher, but do you know how distracting it is to me and other students if there is an electronic device in use while class is going?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've always known you to be a tough cookie. Whooo Hooo!
You go teach, you go!

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